AllChars is a program that allows you to create macroses to include special characters in your text. By using this program, you will be able to create easy-to-remember ways of creating accents like é Ü ç î æ and special characters like ƒ ² ‰ © £ ± ß ° 1/2 ¿ « » ™ „ in most Windows programs. AllChars works on Windows 95, 98, ME, NT 4, 2000, XP and Vista (partly) and there is an old 16-bit version for 3.x. A Vista version is under development.
The program doesn´t create any entry in your Start Menu or direct access. You will have to execute AllChars.exe in C:\Program Files\AllChars. Upon execution, the program will put an icon in the system tray. The program will wake up after you press the CTRL key. Once you release it, you will have to type the two specified keys to get the special character or symbol assigned to that macro. By default, "a m" will popup AllChars menu at the cursor (the same menu you will see when right-clicking over the cursor). "d d" will toggle decimal-symbol translation, "h h" will show the help screen, "m m" will show the defined macros, and will allow you to edit them. The default macro start character is "/", and then you will have to assign a three letters name.